Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nov. 28 Florida!

                It was late afternoon when the Greyhound bus dropped me off in North Miami Beach. I left from York, Pennsylvania a day and a half ago and I’ve only slept a few hours on the bus and during some of the long layovers. As the bus pulls away I look around at my surroundings. There’s palm trees! I’m in an urban area. It will be dark soon, and this doesn’t look like a great place to be after dark, so I should figure something out soon. There’s several parks and golf courses near the coast; that’s where I’m hoping to find work, so I start walking as the sun sets. It’s just over 8 miles; I’ve been on a bus since yesterday morning, so I’m not low on energy, but I’ve hardly slept more than a couple random hours since then, so I’m pretty sleepy. A nice little playground area offers a picnic table where I pull over for a snack. My luggage was in the cargo hold under the bus, so I haven’t eaten since… uh… well, I don’t remember when, but I’m hungry, that’s for sure. I go ahead and pull out the camp stove and boil up a generous pot of oatmeal. A nearby drinking fountain fills up my water bottles and I’m back on my feet. There’s a little Baptist church, I’ll have to remember that’s there… Finally signs indicate that I’m within a few miles of the beach. Towering high-rise condominiums come into view lit up like disco-balls. Wow! There’s some money in this place! A little room in one of those towers would probably cost more than everything I’ve got to my name! Good thing I have a tent and a sleeping bag! Now if I can just find a place to set them up…
                I finally come to the beach at the base of the fancy hotels. I can hear the surf! The parks I saw on the map are just south of here so I turn right and head that way. Another half mile or so and the Massive hotels give way to a Haulover Park with trees and bushes. It’s thick and shrubby though; not really anything I can lash a hammock to and no good place to set up a tent. As I follow a trail along the coast I come to a covered pavilion with picnic tables. I’m pretty beat at this point so I take a break to think about what to do next. I’ve hardly sat down when the wind suddenly becomes fierce and a downpour starts. Wow. It’s very providential that I just happened to reach a covered shelter as it started to rain! “Thank you Lord!” I guess I’m spending the night here. Two of the picnic tables are pulled together so that their two seats make a place to lay down that is off the ground, but less conspicuous than I would have been on the top of a table. After a little snack and a drink, I roll out my sleeping pad and lay down. It’s warm, but with that high wind and rain it’s not quite warm enough, so I pull out my sleeping bag and zip myself inside. I didn’t think I’d be using this in Florida, but that wind is chilly! The sleeping bag flaps loudly in the wind and the nearby road carries a steady drone of heavy traffic, but none of this is going to disturb my sleep. I’m bone tired and sleep deprived. I’m down like a rock within minutes.

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