Monday, December 24, 2012

Dec. 24 Community of Hope

                Palms West Presbyterian Church is having a Christmas Eve candlelight service so I finish up with Mary Anne a little early and start the walk over. It’s two and a half miles so it will take me just under an hour to get there.
                Within a half hour I pass the spot where I spent the night on my way up, and soon after that I am nearing the turn where I should go left to the Presbyterian church. Right on that corner though there is another building that looks intriguing. Much like Living Hope in Pennsylvania it has a contemporary design but still looks like a church. I can’t see a sign, but it’s Christmas Eve and there’s a crowd of dressed-up people going in. I know the Presbyterian church is having a service, and I already know people there, so I hesitate for a minute about experimenting with a new church sight-unseen. Eh, might as well…
                As I round the front of the building I see the sign “Community of Hope.” Hmmm… A little ambiguous, but promising. I definitely like the architecture, I remember someone mentioning that a church over this way was just built within the last year; this looks like the one. The front lot is bustling with people coming and going. According to a sign out front the first service is just ending and the second one will be starting in about 20 minutes. As I enter the door greeters are handing out flyers. I take mine, and almost pass by but the lady stops and takes a second glance.
                “Is this your first time here?”
                “Yes, it is.”
                “Oh! Welcome!” She points to the far end of the wide foyer. “Help yourself to a cup of coffee down there, it’s free. The service will be starting in just a few minutes.” I thank her and make my way across the bustling foyer. Screens mounted on the walls are flashing through announcements and showing a countdown to the service start. People are standing around drinking coffee and talking excitedly. There are comfortable chairs set up in circles and as I near the coffee bar there are tables and chairs set up like a café. The entire effect is a very comfortable, inviting atmosphere. The crowd is thicker around the coffee bar and there’s a short line. Several people introduce themselves to me and I end up talking and telling my story for a while before I get over to the counter and get a coffee. The people here sure are nice! The décor also says a lot about their cultural awareness simply because it’s not designed to look religious and churchy in the way that would intimidate some people and set a liturgical tone. The countdown on the TV screens is getting close, so I head over toward the auditorium. The ushers are handing out candles as we enter the large room. It is packed full of people and it won’t be easy to find a seat. Near the front I find an empty chair on the end of a row and settle in. Larry and his wife (a couple I just met in the foyer) are sitting right across the aisle from me. There’s a huge widescreen display above the platform and it’s flashing through the same announcements that were playing out in the foyer. On the bigger screen I can see that they aren’t just text thrown up on a flat background. Someone with very good graphical design skills has put these visuals together very professionally! That’s impressive, and like the design of the foyer, it shows a level of savvy and intentionality beyond what I normally see in religion. I haven’t heard anything about their doctrine yet, but I can see it showing through the atmosphere they have created in the place. I’m getting the feeling I’ve just stumbled across my church home, and it’s walking distance from the campground!
                The worship team steps out on to the platform and starts up. They’re good that’s for sure, and it’s songs I know and can sing along to. The leader is at the piano and he is beaming! He engages the people and truly leads with a contagious spirit of worship and celebration. This man is spiritually gifted! Later on I learn that his name is Billy Langley and he is the “Creative Arts Pastor” He not only leads the music and worship, but he’s the one who creates the professional graphics I’ve been seeing and he was even involved in the building design. Between songs they show a safety video about the candles. It’s home-made, but again surprisingly well done. The entire crowd is in stiches while the characters try to light candles with defective lighters and set each other on fire. The especial effects and editing show again that someone with significant skills in video editing has put this little video together. I haven’t even heard the preaching yet but I don’t think I’ve ever been so impressed by I church!
                When it does come time for the message, the pastor steps up and shares a beautiful Christmas message. I’ve been going about my walkabout and worrying about work, finances, security, and a place to sleep. I haven’t bought a single Christmas present and it’s been mostly over 80 degrees, so it hasn’t even felt like Christmas time, but suddenly I feel overcome with Christmas spirit and celebration for the coming of Christ to this dying world. I have tears of joy and thankfulness in my eyes. I couldn’t have asked to have found a better church and such a perfect place to live in a beautiful, rural Florida neighborhood! My life is just about perfect right now.

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