Friday, April 5, 2013

Apr. 5 Restless in Paradise

     The lazy life in Florida is stirring. Major changes may be on the immediate horizon, but things could also stay the same for a while. For now, I'm waiting to see how job opportunities pan out. I've just used my savings and tax return to pay off the last of my credit card debt, so it's nice to be debt-free, but it's also a little unnerving to be broke. I've got enough work for now, but I need a plan.
     Plan “A” has been that I would return to the Canadian border in the spring and re-start the walkabout as originally planned, tracing the eastern coastline all the way to the bottom of Argentina. A few weeks ago I met a man named David Lewis who has probably changed the course of my entire life. David has traveled extensively around the world and seems to have intimate knowledge of every significant location on the globe. When he heard my walkabout plan, he suggested that I forget about walking through the Americas and look towards Europe instead. I brushed it off at first. I already had a plan laid out and a route mapped for my trek to the far end of South America; I usually prefer to stick with a familiar plan rather than change things up mid-course. But, the more I thought about it the better the idea sounded. I still haven't thought of a good way to circumvent the dangerous areas in South America where I'd be likely robbed several times a week. In Europe, that wouldn't be such a major concern. Walking down through the United States would be fun, mostly because I have many friends to visit all along the way, but that's only the beginning of the trip; once I left the US, I would still have many thousands of miles through unfamiliar jungles and wasteland in Central and South America. Europe, on the other hand, would have more frequent towns and villages where I could resupply and find odd-jobs. Survival can be a very persuasive factor, but the biggest advantage to me was the historic land marks. From the very beginning, this whole adventure has been about studying the Bible and learning more about God and Christianity. Walking South America would be an exercise in solitude and jungle survival(not exactly conducive for scholarship), but Europe is packed full of ancient churches, significant landmarks, and historic sites. I'm mostly interested in literal Bible scholarship rather than church history, but the history does reveal how Christianity came to be so off-base and contrary to the original Bible. If I can grow to better understand how we got to be this way, maybe I will understand how to restore our beliefs back to the pure teachings of Christ and the true messages of Scripture. This has been my life's passion for many years, and a walk through Europe and into the Holy Land would give me the best possible education for that mission.
     After much thought, prayer, and deliberation I have finally decided that I want to continue my walkabout on the other side of the puddle, but this introduces several new factors to consider. The first is expense. Not only do I need a way to get there, but general expenses in Europe would be higher. It's also unfamiliar territory, and I won't have a string of friends to visit along the way. With all these complications, I'm feeling like I am not ready to leave right away. I need time to plan this out and I need to save up some finances to pay for it all. So my plan is to wait a year and travel to Europe next spring to start in England and work my way to the mainland and south toward France and finally east toward Israel visiting historic Christian sites along the way.
     That leaves me in another dilemma. Where should I spend this next year working? I could probably get my summer job back at the golf course in Maine, so that's one option, but even in the summer, the climate in Maine is a lot cooler than I prefer. To be honest, I'd really like to stay here in Florida. I love the community here at Sunsport Gardens and I love my church here where I've been getting involved. I feel at home here like I can't remember ever feeling before. I could make a home here and finally start a family. Honestly, if I spend the next year here, it's going to tear me apart when I have to move on next spring. I can easily see myself settling down right here and forgetting about the entire walkabout. I've thought about it, and it's tempting, very tempting. But then I think about all I'd miss. The people and places I'd never see and the lessons I'd never learn. It's easy to give up the unknown in favor of security, but I'm not ready to do that yet. The fear of a stagnant life keeps my heart on the horizon. As much as I long for a settled life, it's too early. Someday I'll settle down, maybe, but not yet.
     So, the new plan is to head to Europe next spring. Mary-Anne doesn't think she will have enough work to keep me fully employed all summer, so I'm trying to get a regular job in the area, but if I can't find work here, there's still a possibility of returning to Maine for the summer. Right now it's all up in the air. As usual. Please pray with me for wisdom, guidance, and provision through the coming months.

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