Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dec. 4 A Day in the Life (Video)

I've been very surprised and blessed by the response
to my blog. I never would have guessed that people
would be really care to hear about my every-day exploits,
but my blog is getting over a hundred hits a day and
growing steadily. I want to thank all of you who read, like,
and share! All that raises my ratings, so thanks! Thanks
especially those of you who pray for me! I definitely need

For anyone who doesn't know I also have a Facebook
page where I posts statuses and pictures that often don't
make it to the blog. The Facebook page can be seen here:

Also, I love getting comments and feedback on my stories,
so by all means pipe into the conversation! Speak up in
the comments section below each blog post or on
Facebook. It brightens my day to know you're reading!

And now, here's the video I've been promising:
(If there's any problem playing it, try playing
it directly from YouTube by going to the
source at this link:

(This space is to get the video below the sidebar) /-:


  1. How fun! I enjoyed watching and am praying you get the job!!

  2. The video was a fantastic idea. I have been trying to picture every thing that you have been talking about in your blog an now it is a little easier to do so. Thanks!

  3. Thanks for the video...great idea. How many donuts did you eat?

    1. I rarely get donuts, they're all taste but no substance, so I usually get a coffee and/or a bacon & egg wrap.
