Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dec.1 Uneventful Saturday

                I’m up at the crack of dawn on Saturday and excited about my meeting with Joe at Indian Creek. Hopefully I’ll get a job today, or at least give out my resume and be on the right track. If I do get this job I’ll want to find somewhere closer to sleep because the walk from Haulover is quite a stretch to be making regularly.
                An hour and a half later I’m back at the Indian Creek front gate. The security droid in the tinted shuttle command station smiles in recognition.
                “I’m supposed to meet this morning with Joe from the maintenance department.” I shout into the intercom. He looks at something on the desk in front of him and his forehead wrinkles.
                “Are you sure he’s expecting you?”
                “Well, he left me a message indicating that he could meet with me this morning, but we hadn’t set up anything official or agreed on a time. We’ve been leaving messages, but haven’t been able to speak directly yet.”
                “Please hold on. I’ll try to get ahold of him.” I stand there shifting the weight of my pack from foot to foot watching old men arriving in BMWs. The security droid makes several calls before his garbled, electronic voice comes back over the intercom.
                “I’m sorry. He’s out working on the course and can’t be reached right now. You’re going to have to call the office and set up an appointment for Monday.” I can feel my entire soul slump with disappointment. I’m making progress, but I walking out here for no reason is wearing on my morale. As I head back toward Haulover I call the grounds office and front desk every few minutes, but no one is answering. Finally I leave a message apologizing for missing his earlier call and asking him to call me again so that we can arrange an official appointment. That’s all I can do for now, but I’ve got the whole day ahead of me. The weather is the nicest it’s been since I arrived on Wednesday, so I head for the water.
                The Saturday afternoon crowd is scattered on the white beach sand like sprinkles on frosting. There’s an aroma of sunblock and cigar smoke. I alternate back and forth from the salty waves to laying on the sand soaking up sun. I should get a beach towel and a pair of sandals if I’m going to become a regular beach bum.
                It’s almost noon when I head out. I wish there was a closer place to plug in and charge batteries, but outlets are hard to find around here. It’s going to be an hour walk, but I head back toward Dunkin Donuts.
                Nichole and the grandmother are behind the counter when I walk in. I go through several coffees through the afternoon and into the evening. Every half hour or so I try again to call Indian Creek to set up an appointment for Monday, but no one ever answers. The grandmother is closing the store tonight. I need to learn her name. I feel a little awkward spending so much time there, but she treats me so kindly and seems to like me as much as I like her. I love watching how she interacts with the people that come in.
                As the 8:00 closing time draws near I run a search on Google maps for “Church.” Wow, there are literally no churches anywhere close to Haulover Park! I guess it’s too overbuilt and expensive for a church. A little further out there is a Catholic church, a Mormon Church, and a few religious organizations. Half way back to downtown North Miami there’s the “First Baptist Church” I saw on my walk out here. That's got to be the most cliché name for a church, and the website definitely doesn't give off a progressive vibe, but I guess that’s worth a try so I save it to my map for tomorrow morning. I’ll have to give myself almost two hours to get to their Sunday School at 9:30.
                I guess that’s a wrap for today. Sunday will be a nice break from the job-hunt routine. Back at Haulover I roll my cart out onto the beach and sit in the sand looking up at the stars with the warm breeze wrapping around me. I’ve got the entire place to myself tonight.

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